Billy's Legacy


On April 5th Billy's Uncle Rob established the

Billy Kayser Memorial Foundation

c/o Union State Bank
230 North Middletown Road
Pearl River, NY 10965

which will recognize and support academic and athletic achievements.


On June 4, 2003 and June 13, 2003 we gave out the first 3 awards at Billy's high school

 which read as follows



Billy Kayser

Memorial Foundation




Brian Canty

Brian DelSavio

Laura Supan


 Presented by the Family and Friends of Billy Kayser to the

 varsity baseball player and varsity softball player

who best exemplify a serious, but fun loving commitment to their sport.

This award is presented in honor of Billy Kayser, a Pearl River High School student and Varsity Baseball player.

 June 2003



on June 13th we gave 2 awards at St. Margaret School, Billy's grammar school.



Billy Kayser

Memorial Foundation




Sarah Peters

Robert Kayser


 Presented by the Family and Friends of Billy Kayser, a St. Margaret School graduate of the Class of 2000.

To the student who has brightened other peoples' lives with his/her true Christian spirit and fun-loving commitment to life and friends.

 June 2003




There have been several events held in Billy's name to raise money for his foundation and also to help others in the community.



Billy's classmates, along with their parents and friends got together and formed the

Billy Kayser Witness to Hope Committee.

This committee organized a family picnic.  It was held on September 6, 2003 and over 500 people attended.  It was a wonderful day with plenty of food, games for the kids and entertainment.  They raised over $27,000 (which just happens to be Billy's favorite number). 

They also organized a Blood Drive in his name which was held February 8, 2004.  This too was a big success.  The turnout was so great people had to be turned away.  Another is planned for May 23, 2004.



On October 6, 2003 a golf outing was held.  This was organized by Billy's Uncles Tommy & Rob & his baseball coach, Coach Miller along with help from many others.  It was held at the Rockland Country Club where Billy worked as a caddy.  The weather was great for golf and everyone enjoyed the day. 


Bob Bairds Community article on Billy & the events held



The Pearl River Diamond Club at the Pearl River High School renamed their tournament in honor of Billy.  

It is now

'The Billy Kayser Memorial Baseball Tournament'.

The team also had Billy's number #27 embroidered on their hats and they wear the patch below on their uniforms,  they also carry his jersey to every game.

Thank you Bruce for all you have done to keep Billy part of your team.

This patch is also being worn on the Pearl River Little League uniforms.  It was designed by the Pearl River Little League and it's popularity just spread to all.

The PRLL First Annual Billy Kayser Tournament



The Pearl River Roller Hockey Club now plays for the "Kayser Cup" during the

'William "Billy" Kayser Tournament'


 mouse-over picture and watch it change


On April 14, 2004 there will be a basketball game to raise funds for the foundations set up to honor

Billy and Robert McPadden.  Robert was a firefighter killed on 9/11.



This is Billy's quilt square for the New York Organ Donor Memorial Quilt

6 of Billy's organs were able to be donated and are helping others to live a healthy life.


Billy was a wonderful 16 year old kid. He enjoyed life to the fullest and always had this infectious smile on his face. He loved people and he loved sports, especially baseball.  He played on the varsity team in high school and wore number 27.  After he died, the Little League where Billy played growing up had patches made up with his number for the older boys in the league to wear, in his memory.   When the younger kids saw them, they all wanted one.  So now everyone in the league is wearing his number as a tribute to him. He was very popular and tried to be friends with everyone.  He loved playing with kids, especially his cousins and even worked as a camp counselor during the summer.  He caddied on weekends because he loved to be around golf especially when he wasn’t playing baseball or hockey.    Billy was very competitive, and was always trying to prove that he was the best at everything he did (which, of course, was not always the case).  The baseball league and the hockey league have both named trophies in his honor.

 He was always there to help a friend and always tried to make people laugh.  His goal was for everyone to just get along. 

 The day his life was cut short started out like any other day.  He left for school on a happy note and, as I have seen on video of that morning, was enjoying the day at school joking with his friends. He went to lunch with some of his friends that day and never came back.  The driver was going too fast and lost control of the car.  Billy, who was seated in the back, sustained severe head trauma upon impact, and went into a coma.  He never woke up.  Giving the Gift of Life helped us knowing that Billy was still helping others.  His gift helped six people, and the cornea’s from his beautiful big brown eyes helped someone to see.

 The sports patches were added to this quilt to represent the sports he loved so much.  The five hearts represent us, his parents, and his three brothers.  The angel represents the brother waiting for him in heaven and the butterflies represent the beautiful free spirit he has become.

   We miss Billy every day. There is a big void in our family without him. He brought life into our home with his cheery smile and his zest for life.  We miss his laugh, his joking around and the way he just annoyed everyone into doing what he wanted.

 Not a day goes by without a tear being shed.  We miss you each and every day and we love you Billy.


Mom, Dad, Jimmy, Joey & Robert


New York Daily News - Special Report: His Tragic Death Saved Six Lives








The Song playing is 'My Heart Will Go On' by Celine Dion

Background graphics by Harmony Hollow